Once you are able to control self-discipline, you will able to control everything in your life. Self-discipline is about self-control or controlling willpower. Life is full of struggles, distractions, and fighting with bad habits to win over it. Self discipline is making your bed every morning. It means getting out of bed when your alarm clock goes off. Self discipline is doing all the little things you don't want to do because they are needed to make the future life you want. Self discipline is the only way to show you the right path to grow. Self discipline does not mean the short cut way to accomplish your goal, it means the gradual progress towards your goal and sticking with the process.
"When people make mistakes, the last thing they need is discipline. It's time for encouragement and confidence building. The job at this point is to restore self-confidence. I think 'putting on' when someone is one of the worst things any of us can do" - Jack Welch
We are going to discuss how to develop self discipline to win over life. If you weren't aware of this, you may give a try from today and develop your self discipline.
Develop Self Awareness
The first step is to develop self awareness. If you are not aware it will be really hard to develop your self discipline. If you are not aware and you do not know on what you have to work and why you should work, nothing will happen. Awareness is the action booster which will trigger your willpower to do and manage your timeline on daily basis. Know your future by developing self awareness and it is the key step of developing self discipline. Your self discipline comes from your awareness.
If you are not aware, what you are going to do according to the schedule, you will fail to build up your self discipline fore sure. Your awareness are the activities you do daily and if you fail the first one, you will fail the last one.
There are many benefits of self awareness. being aware of what we do, when we're doing it, is the first step to making better decisions and resisting those that don't help us over the long term.
Believe in Willpower
If you lose your willpower you will end up doing nothing and give up on things you suppose to do. Your will power is the inner booster to do things you have scheduled for. To maintain your self discipline you must work on your willpower. Your willpower energize you or give you a shake in your inner will to do things. But most of the time, if we view self-discipline in terms of willpower, it creates a chicken-or-the-egg situation: to build willpower, we need self-discipline over a long period of time; but to have self-discipline we need massive amounts of willpower. However, building self discipline in your own life is completely a different exercise.
Physical Exercise
Regular physical exercise is a great way to develop self discipline. Scheduling timeline to do physical exercise and maintain them accordingly is a great practice of self discipline. Self discipline is all about pushing beyond the internal resistance that you have against a task or project. And execute despite not feeling like it, even the act of getting off the comfortable couch and going to the gym already strengthens your discipline habit.
Once you are used with the routine of going to gym and do regular physical exercise mean you already adopted with the discipline.
Practice Meditation
Go away of all distractions for a while to stop physical and mental stress. You do not need to do this every single day but 3 times a week perhaps. Through meditation you will able to focus on things and learn how to override the inner voice that often talks us out of doing certain things, even though we should do them.
Meditation isn't easy or even peaceful but it helps to calm your mind and take the right decision. And it has truly amazing benefits, and you can start over today, and continue for the rest of your life. By being familiar with silencing the inner chatter through meditation, you will find it easier to overrule the inner voice when it pushes you towards procrastination or lousy decisions at other moments during the day.
Self Control
The most important one and you must be self controlled to create a meaningful self discipline. It is a power to calm you down from anger, hesitation, and overthink. It also means to control your temptation of acting towards situation wisely. Self control is the ability to regulate and alter your responses in order to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long term goals. Research has shown that possessing self control can be important for health and well being.
The benefits of self controls are not limited to academic performance. One long term health study found that people who were rated as having high levels of self control during childhood continued to have high levels of physical and mental health in adulthood.