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Writer's pictureBernard Mankhin

Be proud of yourself and everything you are

You are who you are, do not try to become anybody else and be proud of who you are and what you are becoming. People around you may say different things about you, they may judge you, they may put you down, they may take a chance on you, but still you are who you are. Always love yourself and take a good care of yourself and be proud of it.

Being proud of yourself means that you take into consideration everything you have accomplished no matter how big or small it is. It is also not only about success, it includes everything and failures which make you the real you.

If you are not aware of it and having a lack of confidence, check these lists and improve yourself, be grateful everyday with all small things and make yourself proud.

You have survived and living your life

You need to be proud of yourself that you have survived and living your life. You are still breathing and you need to be very grateful of your life that nothing serious happened and you are healthy. Improve living style to be more proud of it and never regret for what you do not have or could have been done. Work with dignity and have them in your life what you want to have.

Acknowledge what you have done

As human beings sometimes it is hard to acknowledge for mistakes we do because it is embarrassing and we are scared of losing face. If you keep practicing not to acknowledge things you have done wrong, a fixed mindset will grow inside you and that will create an egoistic behavior which will be very difficult to remove from your life later on. As you do acknowledge and take credits for your good works, do the same for the things you do wrong. Life is much easier than you think.

You are trying your best

If you do not try, you will never taste of success or failure. When you become successful, moments become sweeter and you feel happy. And when you fail, it teaches you a life lesson and grow your experience.

You desire to grow

You have come far enough and you did a right choice. You never surrender to failure and overcome all of them and accept them as a part of your life. That's the energy of growing and you constantly desire to grow. You could have sat back and shied away from anything that might prove difficult. But you didn't and took your fate in your hand and create a positive change in your life.

Follow your passion

You know the passion and following it every single day, from the day you have taken your first step forward. You love what you do and don't view your work as a job. You are not chasing your dream, you are chasing your life that you want to live for the rest of your life.

You always help someone when you have time and energy

It doesn't matter how small you act, and every time you help someone, you are sending a positive energy out into the world. You help them with money or words or with some work they need from you. Most importantly, it energize you and makes you feel better and helps you to keep your positive vibe.

There are many more things that you need to be proud of yourself, you make other people happy, you make someone smile, you become a good friend, accept things and people as they are, and you are honest with yourself and others. Do not ever say that you are nothing, nobody is benefited from you, you are good for nothing, instead, be proud of yourself. It's been a long journey of ups and downs, but somehow you have managed to make it this far.

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