Most of us believe in faith and never believe in our strengths or energy. Sometimes, our subconscious mind never let us believe in our strengths and what we can do to change our faith. Believing in faith is okay, but not believing in your energy to change your faith is not okay. Let's find together how we can change our energy to change our faith.
Where do you use your energy
Have you ever tried to find that most of the time how do you spend your time and energy? On what you spend your time most and what results do you get? In general people spend their time at work, school, watching TV, playing video games, hang-out friends, and sleeping. With the blessings of technology most of us spend time on mobile phone using social media or playing mobile phone games. Since morning when you wake up, you start looking at your phone and scroll up and down to see the news feeds like what people are posting. Most of the time you use SNS as an entertainment platform and find some funny things that you can enjoy. Once you start scrolling your phone it is hard to stop and you want to see the end of the feeds without thinking of any special post or feed. This thing completely absorb your mind and you focus on unnecessary things you even do not know what you want.
People ridiculously spend tons of time on social media for nothing. If you ask yourself what do you want from social media, I bet, you do not have a specific answer but full of worries about whats going on around. You think you must know and get engaged with the activities of others so you are aware of the current world. Being aware of the current world is alight but spending too much time that brings nothing in your life is just a waste. Knowing whats going around is alright, but looking for the things around that is happening and having a negative impact in your life is not alright.
Where you should use your energy
Probably we know where do we spend our energy but most of the time we try to avoid it and pretend that we are spending a quality time. If you dig down, you will find that you only spend the quantity of time and devalue your energy. Time is energy only when you can multiply it and bring some value in your life. You can spend time on anything but if it does not bring any value in your life, it literally ruins your future. Figure out this and change your use of time to different directions.
You still can use social media productively, find some groups they discuss about new skills, self-improvements, and guide you towards a different path of life that you are always looking for and imagining to live. Scroll your media feeds to learn something new besides having fun. If you were only hanging around friends just for fun, change your circle where people discuss about a better future and ideas. Involve yourself with a new discussion that can enrich your knowledge and the knowledge can bring you some better ideas.
Redirect your energy towards certain actions that can change your faith. Sitting on your couch believing in your faith will take you nowhere. If you are having some toxic friends who always discuss about people and criticize others, having no respect, never discuss business and how to live a better life, and they only discuss about all negative things and drag other people down including you, just leave them. Find a new circle where they can take you to a new heights, respect your opinion, discuss more than arguing on useless things.
Spend your time and energy to learn something new. Spend the same amount of time and energy you used to do with other things before that brought nothing in your life but worsen your faith. You only can change your faith by doing certain things today. Fait is not fixed but created by you with what you do today. So change your faith by changing your energy towards a new direction. Cheers!