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How do you know you are growing

We often hear grown people to say that life was much better when they were young. They did a lot of fun, less worry, less tension or no tension at all while their parents were supporting them fully. Everything was in control and once they stepped into the real life they start realizing about the reality. The thing is most people in their 20s don't literally understand the growing process and they think life is what they are living at that moment. Growth doesn't mean always comfortable perhaps when you start growing you go through the most uncomfortable phase of your life. Later, it becomes your life lesson and make you stronger to live forward.

Small things don't bother you much as before

You literally do not care of small things happening around you that you used to think too much before. What other people think about you does not bother you anymore and you are focused on self-improvement activities.

You are not focused on other people's activities

It does not bother you anymore. What people do is their job, and what they do is for their living. You are more focused on yourself and quality things. You become more selective in the perspective of living and doing things.

You don't feel embarrassed for mistakes anymore

About all mistakes you make, you do not feel embarrassed anymore. Instead, you figure out possible improving sectors that can help you to better the quality of life. You embrace mistakes and admit yourself to learn things via mistakes. Now you know, mistakes are the biggest teacher in your life and make you stronger.

You are more focused on your goals

You become serious about your goals. You do not want to waste your time thinking what other people may think if you fail. Instead you set the possible and realistic goals and work on them every single day.

You have lost touch with a lot of people

When you start feeling this that you are losing attachment with a lot of people is the moment of the biggest sign of change. It's not like something is wrong with you or with them, it is simply because you might not have anything in common anymore.

Concerned more about quality

In the past, you had a lot of friends, you did a lot of parties, all night outs, and many more things, now, all of those do not make you feel happy at all. You are not focused on the quantity anymore and even you work on a few projects, you do them very carefully and put your all effort to get the job done. You realize that, rather than a lot of things, all you need is a few really good ones.

You consciously build productive habits

Now you know the secret of habits and how they are involved in your life and constantly changing your living style. You start debugging your bad habits and create more productive habits that contributes small improvements in your life daily. You have lessen spending too much time on social media, watching TV shows, and playing video games, and instead you read more books, spend more time to learn a new skill, and work out daily to keep your body in shape. And also hustle more to add more income streams to become financially freedom.


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