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Writer's pictureBernard Mankhin

How to Change Destructive Thoughts

Your thoughts and mind are truly powerful. They run your life everyday. When you think good stuffs you feel better and do good things. When you think negative things, you feel bad and your mind becomes vulnerable and start acting abnormal. Once your destructive thoughts run your life, noting constructive happens and your life becomes hell. In this article, we are going to discuss how to change destructive thoughts and stay positive.

Recognizing The Issue

At the very beginning of the destructive thought try to recognize the initial issues. What makes you think like this or that and find the source of them. Sometimes, it is very small issues that make you think deeply and act weird and helps you to ruin your day. A tiny matter steals your moment and destroy everything. If you are feeling sad, find the reason why you are sad. If you are worried, find the reason what makes you worry. If you don't, it all will drag you down and all small issues will create more problems.

Change Your Environment

Sometimes environment makes you feel different. Even if you are in the same room, same place just make a small change that can move the mind to new thought patterns. Bring some changes that make you feel better and happier and help you to think more positive.

Focus on the Positive Past

When a negative thought pops up in your mind and make you scary just try to bring some positive results on the past. Think back to the previous times when you have broken out of the comfort zone. Focus on the positive memories when you got out there and took a chance.

Replace the Bad with the Good

Perhaps, this is the toughest job you can ever do. It is always easier to create bad habits than the good habits. You need to allow your old thinking to die consciously and slowly and introduce the new improved thinking pattern. Most of us try to fix anything quickly and if you think so, know that this ain't gonna work fast. Replacing a bad habit with the good takes time and you need to practice.

Don't Believe the Negative Self-talk

Negative self-talk is very destructive and perhaps the biggest one. I know, it is not easy to remove this easily from our lives. Nobody can break a negative self-talk habit within a snap. However, you can replace them with positive self-talk by improving on a daily basis. Telling yourself that you're weak and stupid is not only destructive in itself, but it is also not true. Identifying and changing harmful ways of thinking can go long way toward curbing self-destructive ways of behaving. From today, try to stop negative self-talk and try more positive self-talk until it becomes your habit.

Stop Overthinking

Overthinking is the most destructive habits and it ruins your present moment. Practice being present and it becomes a lot easier to minimize overthinking and to use thinking as a tool rather than letting thought controls you. If you overthink, your mind will get heavier and you will feel headache and that will lead you towards a negative view of life.

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