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Writer's pictureBernard Mankhin

How to develop any skill you truly want to develop

Whatever skill you want to learn you can and master any skills or more with a right amount of dedication, knowledge and experiences. If you want to enhance your skills, you must follow ways and help yourself to achieve them. It might take a lot of willpower, persistence, and deliberate practice with consistency. Most importantly you must keep in your mind is that, there is no shortcuts. Working on a skill can help you to understand the principles of skill development and get a deeper understanding of the process of learning.

1. Find what you are good at

You need to know your ability to learn something and if you find yourself interested in it, that will be easier for you to learn the skill and boost it up, especially those that you want to improve. No matter how many skills you have and want to learn, you need to pick your topmost expertise so that you can you focus better and enhance them.

2. Pick the right skill

There are a lot of skills you maybe interested in and want to learn all of them. But in reality, it is not possible and you do not have to learn most of them. Pick the best skills that you think helpful for your career and life and start learning them one by one. If you find this as an academic degree, perhaps, you will do the biggest mistake to pick up and learning them. Because you won't find any motivation and concentrate on anything. You must need a passion to learn and adopt everything that can make you an expert.

3. Involve yourself in activities

The more you involve yourself with related activities, the better you will learn the skill. For this reason, do not allow yourself to lose any opportunities that will insist you to boost your skill and step ahead towards your goal. Grab every chances that appears in front of you regarding the skill. For an instance, if you are good at online marketing, involve yourself with every opportunity and activities that help you to become and online marketing expert.

4. Give yourself a deadline

It does not matter what skill you are learning and want to learn just give yourself a deadline. Check the progress and give yourself enough time to master a skill. Do not make it tight or too long that helps you to lose the interest. Make it moderate and work on it regularly and do not jump into another without earning it.

5. Believe in yourself that you can learn the skill

This is the most important thing and do not distrust yourself. You must believe in you and keep going with the right plan. Well, you can make your plan right by doing the right things. Do not procrastinate and lose believe in yourself. If you are having doubts in yourself you must need to work on it and make your mind clear that you are capable of learn a new thing.

6. Always look for ways to improve

Without hardship you cannot expect to achieve something valuable. There are always rooms for improvement even if you think you are an expert. A sportsman knows that very well specially his weak points and constantly work on them to improve it. This process is similar to learn any skills and you must put your best effort to improve them daily.

7. Pay attention

You can learn something wrong if you are not paying attentions. To learn a skill fast, you need to be fully focused and concentrated. Your coach or mentor can give their best advice, however, if you do no pay attention fully you won't be able to learn things quickly.

8. Lack of talent is your excuse; Don't make any excuses

Perhaps, most of us think like this that we do not have such talent and that is why we do not have skills. If you don't have the talent it does not mean you can't get better at something. Having a lack of talent is a big excuse and make sure that lack of a talent isn't your excuse for not getting better at something or acquiring a completely new skillset.

9. Get a mentor or expert to take the best advise

Most of us don't agree of having a mentor and I bet, if you reading this, you also do not have a mentor. Having mentor is extremely important if you want to get success in life and earn respect around. You may have a quality skill or talent and if you do not know how to use them and when to use them, it will bring nothing valuable. A mentor can bring the best out of you and guide you the right path to get success.

10. Practice, practice, and practice

Without practice, you may lose your earned skill as well. Also practicing is the only way to learn anything. I know sometimes practicing the same thing can make you bored and that's why you must need to have a discipline and patience. If you are bored quickly, then you must need to practice to adjust and stick to the plan or learn a new method to focus and stick to the practicing attitude.

To do all of these you must need a commitment with yourself and never give up on anything related to your skill. This commitment demand your passion, time, effort, and consistency. You may feel tired until you see the outcomes and that is why you need to do these patiently.

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