A goal without a plan is just a wish. Do you have only a wish towards your goal or you are having an action plan to achieve them? A wish is always a wish. You may wish to have a nice home or you may wish to have a nice car. The question is what are you doing to make your wish to happen in reality? What is the time frame you are planning to have them in future? And what are the specific things you are doing to make your wish to happen? Today in this article we are going to discuss about a personal action plan not a personal wish.
Be specific
You need to be specific at things you are going to do. You may have millions of wishes but you need to be specific what really you want to achieve within the certain period of time. If you want to earn 5k per month then you need to focus on the things that will help you to make 5k per month. Minimize workload to maximize earning and for that you must need to be specific at the things you are going to do.
Attainable goals
You must be specific on the attainable goals and those must be realistic. Do not plan anything that is not attainable. Do not plan for something that you know that you cannot achieve in your life. Attainable goals can be defined as SMART GOALs.
To make sure your goals are crystal clear and reachable, each one should be;
Specific (Simple, sensible, and significant)
Measurable (Meaningful and motivating)
Relevant (Reasonable and realistic)
Time-bound (Time based, time related)
Set your time frame
This is most important for an action plan. You must set the time frame for your specific goal that you can hit accordingly. Your time frame will tell you and push you to do the things. Commit to yourself to do things according to the time frame. Do not skip or keep the things for later and do things right away. Keep an eye on your time frame frequently and see how it progress.
Visualize tasks
Once you create the action items and set the timelines, the next step is to create some kind of visual representation of your plan. This representation will help you to engage your task to progress activities.
How to visualize tasks better:
Create a To-Do list and keep it visible
Create a Kanban board to measure progress
Mind mapping to beak down tasks
Monitor, evaluate and update
Allocate sometime to evaluate your task progress and update them accordingly. Monitoring task will help you where to put more efforts. This will also bring the tasks that are pending or delayed, in which case you need to figure out why and find suitable situations and update te action plan accordingly.
Apply this to your life and you will see how fast changes come in your life. You do not need 100s of action plans but need to focus on few and stick with them, I bet you will be able to bring a certain change in your action plan.