If you are consistently failing, perhaps, you are not taking the right decision. Or even if you make a right decision, there is some problem in process and you truly do not know how to figure it out. This article is an enhanced post of my previous blog post and will help you to make a bold decision. When's the last time you made a decision and embraced it with all your heart? Maybe it was to start something, or to end something to bring a definite change in your life.
What is a bold decision?
Bold decisions are always more than what present moment can handle. These are the decisions threaten the familiar and stable life around us. When you take a bold decision you do not fear or judge anything beforehand. You make it very obvious to happen in your life whether you start something or stop doing something. Decisions that will made out to stand out everybody and the decisions that you take when the situation is getting out of your hands and you bring it back under control.
Tips to make bold decisions
Taking a bold decision is not easy as you think. Thinking and deciding are two different things. Thinking does not define anything, but when you decide something, you literally take a control of certain actions, to do or not to do. Taking a bold decision might involve you with a high risk activity and control temptations. Below are the tips on how to make bold decisions.
Make a choice right now: Life is full of choices and you must make a choice what you want to do to change your life. If you are not sure, collect all information of all choices you have and make a right decision, right now!
Start small: Whatever you decide to start or stop, just start with a baby step. Try not to rush into any major decision too soon. At the same time, do not go for too many options that confuses you to take the right decision. Having options are fine but do not make it complicated. Try taking small to moderate risk fairly and consistently. If you decide to quit drinking alcohol which you have been practicing for years and consume 4 times a week, just drop one day of consuming it and make it happen until you fee comfortable.
Mistakes count: If you do not make any mistakes you are not trying enough. You choice might be wrong and you can make mistakes, however, making a bad choice is better than making no choice of anything. Many successful people made a tons of mistakes until they finally succeed. Never forget to learn from your mistakes and take your all mistakes as a booster to make the right decision.
Know when to take risks: Taking risks are good when you know the strategic ways and timing. Do not take risk in a wrong time to move wrongly. If you are an investor then it works for you better.
You can change your mind: Yes you can and you can change your mind any time when you see it's not worthy. Of course, you had spent a lot of time and energy, also money, but if it always drain you all of these resources you must need to change your decision later and make it right. Making a wrong decision some times give you an opportunity to feel the right thing to do in life.
The early bird gets the worm: Those who make decisions on new opportunities are often rewarded with the best prices. It is riskier and also rewarding when you are brave enough to take a calculative risks on new opportunities. Every opportunity has two things; You learn from it or you earn from it.
Failure is the part of process: When you know the pros and cons of what you are doing and decided to do, it will make you easier to accept the result. You won't be afraid of the result whatever it is going to be. If you fail you know what to do next and how to succeed.
Most of the time you have to be bold with your choices. Eventually what you choice becomes your decision and your decision becomes your life. If you do not make any choices there won't be anything to decide and your life will be full of puzzles and you won't have any specific goal in life. That will make you fail in everything and your life will be miserable.