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Writer's pictureBernard Mankhin

How to overcome a painful past

Everybody has their pasts and some of them are sweet and some of them are painful. You feel happy when you mesmerize sweet moments of the past and you feel extremely painful when you mesmerize a painful past. If you are having a painful past where you suffered a lot, experienced humiliation, torture and unpleasant moments in life, it is always better to forget what happened and never let that event pop up in your mind anymore. Today in this article we are going to discuss how to overcome a painful past and move on.

Remember this one thing, if you focus on hurt, you will continue to suffer, and if you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.

Interrupt The Tendency Towards Negative Memories

The best way to overcome a painful past is to interrupt the thinking process whenever it pops up it your mind. But eventually studies found that human brain is designed to recall bad and unhappy memories in their minds more often than the positive ones. No matter how sweet moments and memories you had together, if only a bad event occurred in the past that was painful, will literally make you to think about it again and again.

Alike any failure towards your goal or project that made you suffer a lot will always pop up in your head and make you think that again and again and make you more vulnerable. The more you let you think about those moments the more you will suffer. When it happens to you, self-reflection may helpful while brooding is going to be harmful. Whenever a negative painful memory pops up in your mind try to interrupt it with some good and happy moments and results that make you feel excited.

Disconnect for a While

Allow yourself to take sometime away so that you can clear your head from all poisonous thoughts. It doesn't mean you really have go far far away or fly thousands of miles away. It means to disconnect you from the people, places or things which brings you the painful past or remind you such bad memories. It is important to protect yourself from those destructive memories and peoples who constantly remind you the past painful events. Shut those doors and keep yourself away from them until you feel normal and keep yourself distant from those events that reminds you painful memories.

Just keep apart yourself by distancing from the people, things, and places that remind you of the past.

Do not Evaluate Yourself In Terms of Your Past

Past is always past and it is only powerful if you only allow yourself to hold you back. It does not literally define us and if people define you according to your past, they do not know what you are today. Do not ever evaluate yourself in terms of your past whatever it looked like before. Your hurt does not determine who you are today or who you can be tomorrow. Most of us have some serious issues, problems, and bad moments in the past and it is always wiser to forget it and move on.

Live in the Present

Live in the present truly and happily. This is the best way to forget the painful past and even worry for the future. Future is always uncertain and past is always full of shits and regrets. Sweet moments never lasts forever and sad moments never leave you for a while and stick with you like a shadow. The best thing is to live in the present and enjoy every single moment. Whenever your painful past tries to distract you, focus on the present and get busy with your moment and never let your past dominate you present and ruin the day.

Living in the moment, also called mindfulness. To achieve more mindful state be aware of what you are thinking and feeling, reduce self consciousness, and seek for new experiences by doing right now and forget all negative impacts that produce fear in your mind.

Forgive Those Who Wronged You

Do not try to prove yourself right all the time, perhaps not at all. If you are hurt by someone, the last thing you want to do is forgive them. In the journey of life you will be wronged by some wrong people most of the time. You will be fooled by some people and you will be under rated and set down the ground. If you react them and try to prove yourself right you need to go through a long process and waste your some valuable time and fight against of them. Which means you will spend more time on useless things and distract your path towards your goal.

Just forgive and do not forget, and you should not forget that you do not want the similar things happen in your life again and cost you twice.

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