Thinking negative is very normal to a normal human being. However, thinking negative always is kind of poison that literally ruin your life and make you vulnerable for things that never happened or even it happened does not impact heavily in your life. The thing is the result was not that heavy but you are distracting your thoughts towards damage which was not a big responsibility. Why this happens? And how it impacts your life? What things make you think negative and how it drag you down and how you can overcome those thoughts thats literally uprooting your happiness and making yourself too uncomfortable? Let's find them through this article and stop thinking negative and replace them to optimism.
Worrying about uncertainty
Worrying is negative pipeline which drag your energy down and gives you eternal fear for the things that never happened. Similarly, regretting is your mental destroyer that takes you to the past and end up you thinking within 'should have' 'could have' phrases. You worry for the things or for the days that never appeared yet and shall be considered in future. Your worry becomes your anxiety which sticks in your head and constantly gives you uncomfortable feelings and brings you some negative thoughts of uncertainty. And those uncertainties lead you towards negative thoughts of 'should have' 'would have' 'could have' things and raise them in your head.
There are few ways to stop them and you must:
Take a moment on the present: It is very simple and easy. Just take a look around where you are now and focus on the things you are surrounded by. Shift your thoughts in your surroundings and feel them, for instance, look out of window and see the people walking by or cars or the smells around you. Do this for a moment and your anxiety is gone.
Focus only on your breathing: It is very simple and powerful to shift your thoughts in a moment. You can try this right now and do this for 1 or 2 minutes and you will start feeling how powerful this is. Just take a deep breath through your nose and focus only on the air you taking in and out through your mouth. After 2 minutes, you will figure yourself out anxious free.
Bring optimism in other's life
If it doesn't work within you and you are lost and all mountainous negative thoughts are shaking your heads, the best thing you can do is to bring some positivity in someone else's life. There are a lot of people who are suffering more than you. It could be your one of best friends, it could be your brother, your sister, or any acquaintances. By adding some positivity in their lives you can feel better for sure and become more optimistic than before. By helping others not to suffer for negativity you will learn some real case boosters to stay away negative thoughts.
In few ways you can bring positivity in someone else's life:
Decide to help: Find some people around and decide to help them by giving some good advice. Do some volunteer work and get involve with them and find their problems and give them your best that you can. Help them from your heart and make them feel happy and try to feel the things as they do.
Listen to them: There are millions of people having tons of problems with negative thoughts. Listen to them and figure out what causing them to think negative. It could be alike yours that you can see in others life as well. Listen to them carefully and bring the best out of them.
Put a piece of advice: Now you know what they are thinking by listening to them and having some good time with them. Give them a piece of life changing advice that will also help you to figure out your negativity and open a new door to think positive and not to spare your time on pessimism.
Surround yourself with positive company
In the journey of life you will meet both negative and positive people. Mostly you will meet negative people and they will advice you not to start or not to do anything that will cost you
now and benefit you later. They will focus you on now things and they will bring tons of examples why you shouldn't do and just let it go. They will advice you that they already have done this and it did not work and so it won't work for you too. But they will not advice you to do in other ways because they haven't done this in other ways.
Stay away people who says:
I will start on Monday
It's not my fault
I can't do it
It's not fair
I don't have time
I'm offended
You suck
He got lucky
I'm too tired
Easy for you to say
Stay away this type of people who always limit themselves and drag others also to their path. Find positive people who doesn't find problems in every solutions and having a high ambitions in life. If you do not have this type of circle, find them and there are always people constantly growing in positive ways and ready to help others as well.