For any individuals maintaining a self-discipline is the hardest thing. Becoming a master of self-discipline is even more difficult. It is difficult because it is hard to stay consistent. We easily get bored with doing same thing again and again. Self-discipline is something that you do similar things consistently. Self-discipline is one of things that requires ongoing practice and nurturing. However, even though it takes time, you too can improve your self-discipline. Let's get to
What is self-discipline?
Self-discipline is the ability of one's to control his actions, feelings, and emotions. Also, self-discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take actions regardless of your feelings, physically or mentally.
Self-discipline is completely different from self-motivation or willpower. Motivation and willpower literally contribute to it and push you to work hard towards your goal.
Benefits of self-discipline
Self-discipline has many benefits and once you are able to improve it to the highest level, you will be benefited including:
It will make you feel happier
It will decrease your anxiety
It will help you to achieve your long term goal
You will become more resilient
It will increase your self-awareness
It will boost your working ability
It will also help you to stay in the tract and make you more a goal oriented person
Steps to improve self-discipline
There are specific strategies you can execute to learn self-discipline and gain the willpower to be happier person. Learning how to build self-discipline skills can allow you to cease bad habits, accomplish long-term and short-term goals, and change your life completely. Below are the simple ways to improve your self-discipline which will help you to live a fulfilling life.
Know your strengths and weaknesses: We all have weaknesses. If you are too much addicted of social media, having a strong desire for alcohol, tobacco, or unhealthy foods, and spend too much time on playing video games, are the common weaknesses. They all are time stealer and have a tremendous effect on us. Self-awareness is a powerful tool to expand our comfort zone and differentiate strengths and weaknesses. Figure out all weaknesses and focus more on strengths you have.
Set small goal first: Do not try to overwhelm yourself with big goals at the beginning. Set small goals that are achievable such in a limited time. If your sleeping hours are not fixed and you are having a sleeping problem, then fix this small habit first. Try to wake up at 6AM everyday. Build your confidence by setting small goals and accomplish them before going after a big goal.
Identify obstacles: Before starting anything new figure out what are the obstacles or hardship you might face and take all possible precautions. Study the case, find out the possible solutions and go after it.
Remove temptations: Practice this very often and it is hard to all of us to remove temptations. Most of us are very weak at pleasing things, to waste time on useless things that only gives us pleasure but brings no positive value in our life. Remove your temptation and watch out carefully what you really want in life. Do not do things that do not bring any value in your life.
Replace old habits: If you look back in the past, you will see old you and why you are here today. Your present is the accumulative result of your past. You could be more successful or better person than what you are today but because of your old bad habits, you regret the time you spent. Identify your old habits and stop doing the same shit you have been doing for long time and replace them with the good positive ones.
Monitor your progress: This is very important to monitor your progress. What you did in the past week, what positive value you have got, what you shouldn't do, why you could not do something important, all of things. If something went wrong, why that happened, what are the things bringing a positive result in your life and what negative impacts you are having. Do this every week and work on them. Do more what brings better results and cut them off whatever it is if it brings a negative result.
Practice consistency: At this stage you must keep doing the things regularly and consistently. Check on yourself even if you do not feel you want to do, just keep practicing consistency. All your hardship, someday, will give you a tremendous price and you will be thankful to yourself that you sticked to the plan.
Self-discipline is like a muscle. It does not explode overnight and you have to work on it every single day. It grows over time with consistent work and dedication. You do not need to master self-discipline today, but keep working on it and be consistent. All you need to do is begin implementing a single process and keep working on it until it becomes your habit.